Tendata CMO Shawn Wang Interviewed by South China Morning Post

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export import business,import business,tendata news,ten data,tengdao,tendta,Itrader,itrader login,shanghai ten,t-radar17-07-2024

Last week, Tendata CMO Shawn Wang was interviewed by the South China Morning Post, where he shared his views on the issue of China's caviar exports.

News Original link:China’s caviar is roe-mancing the world as sales go swimmingly, exporters reel in profits

Additional Caviar analysis provided by Tendata: Top Caviar Exports by Country - Tendata

caviar exports,china caviar exports,top caviar exports

I. Global Caviar Export Volume

In recent years, the global caviar market has shown significant growth. As the world's leading sturgeon farming region, China ranks among the top in caviar production and export. According to the "China Fisheries Statistical Yearbook (2023)," China's caviar export volume reached a high level in 2022, with a specific figure of 349.8 tons, highlighting China's important position in the global caviar market.

II. Major Export Countries and Regions

China's caviar has been exported to multiple countries and regions, including the United States, Germany, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Spain, and Japan. These countries and regions have a high demand for high-quality caviar, and Chinese caviar has gained wide recognition in the international market due to its excellent quality and reasonable price.

Notably, Quzhou in Zhejiang province, an important caviar-producing area in China, accounts for 69% of the country's caviar exports, with an annual production exceeding 200 tons. Quzhou is one of the world's largest caviar producers. Its caviar not only enjoys a high reputation in the domestic market but also holds a significant position in the international market, accounting for nearly 70% of the national total exports and one-third of the global caviar supply.

III. Export Enterprises

In China, several companies excel in caviar exports. For example, Sichuan Runzhao Fisheries Co., Ltd. is a prominent player. The company produces high-quality caviar products thanks to its advanced breeding technology and strict quality control system and has successfully entered the international market. Runzhao Fisheries' caviar has been exported to more than 20 countries, including the United States, Germany, and Belgium, and holds a significant share in the global market.

IV. Future Development Trends

With the continuous development of the global economy and the increasing consumer demand, the caviar market is expected to continue its rapid growth. At the same time, with technological advancements and improvements in breeding techniques, both the production and quality of caviar will be further enhanced. This will provide more opportunities and challenges for Chinese caviar export enterprises.

Additionally, with the growing pursuit of healthy eating and high-quality living among consumers, new products such as vegetarian caviar are gradually gaining market attention. In the future, these new products are expected to become an important part of the caviar market and drive further industry development.

The global caviar export situation is showing a positive development trend. As the world's main sturgeon farming region and one of the top caviar exporters, China occupies an important position in the international market. In the future, with continuous market development and technological progress, China's caviar exports are expected to maintain rapid growth.

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Understanding the caviar exports can help businesses formulate effective market strategies and provide crucial data support for exploring new markets. Tendata, a professional trade data analysis tool, can help companies quickly and accurately obtain caviar export information.

1. Choose Product Category and Keywords

In Tendata's search bar, enter "caviar" or its HS code (160430). Tendata supports keyword input in multiple languages to ensure you can find all relevant information.

2. Set Search Parameters

To obtain more precise caviar exports information, set the following parameters in the search conditions:

· Time Range: Choose the time period you wish to query, such as the past year or a specific month.

· Export Country: Select major caviar-exporting countries like Russia and Iran.

· Destination Country: Select key importing countries such as the United States, Japan, and European countries.

· Trade Mode: Choose specific modes like general trade, processing trade, etc.

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3. Analyze Search Results

The search results will display detailed caviar exports, including export countries, destination countries, export quantities, and export values. Using this data, you can analyze the following:

· Main Export Markets: Understand the primary export markets for caviar to determine market demand and competition.

· Export Trends: Compare data from different periods to understand export trends and predict future market directions.

· Competitor Analysis: Identify major competitors, understand their export situations and market shares, and formulate corresponding competitive strategies.

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4. Access Detailed Trade Records

On the search results page, you can click on specific trade records to get more detailed information such as exporting companies, importing companies, product descriptions, and transportation methods. This detailed information helps you understand market dynamics and find potential partners.

5. Use Data to Optimize Business Strategies

The caviar export information obtained through Tendata can help companies optimize their business strategies in the following ways:

· Market Positioning: Develop differentiated market positioning strategies based on the demand characteristics of different markets.

· Pricing Strategy: Formulate competitive pricing strategies by referring to competitors' pricing information.

· Channel Strategy: Identify major importers and distribution channels to optimize supply chain management.

· Promotion Strategy: Develop precise promotion strategies based on market trends and consumer preferences to increase brand awareness and market share.

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