TENDATA Privacy Policy

Updated: January 01, 2023

This Privacy Policy applies to all of the products, services and websites offered by Tendata. Sometimes, we may post product specific privacy notices or Help Center materials to explain our products in more detail.
If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please feel free to contact us through our website or write to us at info@tendata.cn


This policy tells you, among other things, what information we gather from you, how we may use or disclose that information and our efforts to protect it. Please read this policy carefully, and feel free to contact us at info@tendata.cn if you have any questions regarding its contents.

(1) Types of Information Collected

In connection with your use of our site, we ask for and may collect a variety of information from and about you in different ways. For example, when you register to use our site, we ask for and store your and/or your business’name, address, email address and other identifying contact data. In addition, our web servers automatically collect the IP addresses from which you accessed the site. We may also collect the information you disclose in any of our scorecards, chat rooms, discussion groups, and bulletin boards.

(2) Use of Cookies

Use of our site requires that you accept the use of cookies, which are small data files that our Web site sends to your browser for storage on your computer’s hard drive. We use cookies to protect confidential data, track activity at our site and better serve your needs and interests.

(3) Use of Information

We use your personally identifying information to identify you as a user of the site, to improve your service and to improve your experience with the site. We may use your email address to contact you directly regarding services or products that we believe may be of interest to you. We may also associate your personally identifying information with information we collect about your preferences and activities at the site, such as the particular pages you request at the site and purchases or other transactions you effect through the site. We may vary the content you receive in future visits to the site based on your preferences and activities. We may combine your personally identifying information, and information about your preferences and activities, with those of all or a particular group of our users to prepare collective profiles of our users and their activities. For example, we may track the number of our users who view certain pages or use certain features or compile the total dollar amount of sales conducted through our site in a particular geographic region. Such information, and other information we derive from individual users’ information, allows us to continue to grow and provide you with quality fellow users through more accurate marketing and advertising of our Web site.


You may choose to restrict our use of your information to maintaining your account on the site, or prohibit our disclosure of your information to others, by contacting us and directing us to impose such limits. If you do not wish us to provide your information to third parties, or otherwise wish us to restrict the use or disclosure of your information, please send us an e–mail at info@tendata.cn.

In addition, we will not send unsolicited messages to users of our site who indicate that they do not wish to receive such messages. If you do not wish to receive unsolicited email messages from us, please contact us at info@tendata.cn.


At any time after you have logged on to our site, you may contact us atinfo@tendata.cnto request access to information we have collected regarding you or your business or to notify us of changes to such information. If you request any such changes, we will contact you by email or fax to confirm those changes. Once confirmed, any new item of information will replace the corresponding information previously provided.


We use industry–standard encryption methods to transmit your personal registration information from your computer to ours across the Internet. Please remember that you play a valuable part in security as well. Your password to access our site, which you select at registration, should never be shared with anyone and should be changed frequently. And, after you have finished using our site, you should log off and exit your browser so no unauthorized persons can use our site with your name and account information. Remember that any information you voluntarily disclose on–line in any news or message postings, scorecards, discussion groups or chat rooms may be collected and used by others without your permission. Furthermore, if you provide any information to parties who operate Web sites that are linked to or from our site, different rules may apply to their collection, use or disclosure of your personal information. We encourage you to review these sites’ policies before revealing any sensitive or personal information. Regardless of the precautions taken by you or by us, “perfect security” does not exist on the Internet. We cannot ensure or warrant the security of any information you transmit to us, and you transmit such information at your own risk.

5.Changes to Privacy Policy

It may be necessary from time to time for us to modify this policy to reflect changes in the way we collect and use information or changes in privacy–related laws, regulations, and industry standards. Accordingly, we reserve the right to change this policy at any time by posting the revised policy on this web site. This policy was posted on 5th,MAY,2011. Data will be handled in accordance with the policy in effect at the time the data is used, subject to the user’s right to opt out of revisions to this policy implemented since the data was first collected.
