The Best 10 Free Trade Data Platforms to Make Import & Export Easier!

tendata blogTrade Data Provider

ten data blog10-03-2025

If you're in the import-export business or keeping an eye on global markets, you probably know that trade data can help you find new customers, explore new markets, and predict industry trends. The good news is that there are many free and useful trade data platforms available. Today, we've put together a list of the best ones to help make international trade easier for you!

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1. Tendata

🔗 Website:

📌 Key Features:

· A leading global trade data provider, covering 228+ countries with 10+ billion trade records.

· Access to 500+ million company records and 850+ million buyer & supplier contacts.

· Simply enter a product name or HS code to quickly find potential customers.

· Offers customized trade data analysis to help businesses identify market opportunities.

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2. Global Trade Data Search

🔗 Website:

📌 Key Features:

· Covers global import-export data, including top trading countries, customer distribution, and pricing trends.

· Provides a contact database for finding key decision-makers like procurement managers and executives.

3. UN Comtrade (United Nations Commodity Trade Statistics Database)

🔗 Website:

📌 Key Features:

· One of the most authoritative global trade data sources, covering 200+ countries and regions with historical data dating back to 1962.

· Includes 99% of global trade data and 6,000+ product categories, ideal for market research and academic analysis.

4. Eurostat (European Statistics Office)

🔗 Website:

📌 Key Features:

· Provides extensive trade data for EU member countries, with official and reliable statistics.

· Supports multi-dimensional data analysis and allows users to download datasets for further study.

5. DataWeb (U.S. International Trade Commission Trade Data)

🔗 Website:

📌 Key Features:

· Offers detailed U.S. import-export data with frequent updates and high accuracy.

· Includes U.S. customs trade protection data, making it a valuable resource for businesses targeting the U.S. market.

6. ImportYeti

🔗 Website:

📌 Key Features:

· Specializes in import and export data for North America (U.S. & Canada).

· Provides detailed shipment records, including supplier information, purchase volume, and pricing.

· A great tool for businesses looking to expand into the North American market.

7. Trade Map (Global Trade Center)

🔗 Website:

📌 Key Features:

· Developed by the International Trade Center (ITC), covering 200+ countries and regions.

· Frequently updated data with a focus on product and country-specific trade flows.

· Free users have limited access, but registration unlocks more features.

8. WTO Data Portal (World Trade Organization)

🔗 Website:

📌 Key Features:

· Provides the latest global trade data from an official and highly authoritative source.

· Ideal for market analysis and academic research, with advanced filtering by country, product category, and year.

· Users can download reports and generate visual charts for better insights.

9. China Customs Data (General Administration of Customs of China)

🔗 Website:

📌 Key Features:

· The official trade data platform of China, offering comprehensive import-export statistics.

· Includes customs clearance data, HS code search, and tariff rate inquiries.

· A must-use resource for businesses trading with China.

10. Global Buyers Online

🔗 Website:

📌 Key Features:

· Provides trade information for buyers and importers from 210+ countries.

· Users can search by industry or country to find detailed import-export records.

· Supports posting buying requests, making it easier for businesses to connect with potential buyers.

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Each of these platforms has unique strengths and provides valuable trade data for businesses. Whether you're looking for market insights, potential buyers, or supplier connections, these tools can help you make smarter trade decisions.

When using trade data, always ensure the accuracy and timeliness of the information to maximize its value. Happy trading! 🚀

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