How to Find Chinese Suppliers Using Customs Data - Tendata Database

tendata blogTrade Trends News

ten data blog28-08-2024

Finding reliable suppliers is a critical step in any international trade operation. China, being one of the largest manufacturing hubs in the world, offers a vast array of suppliers across numerous industries. However, identifying the right supplier can be challenging due to the sheer volume of options available. One effective method to streamline this process is by utilizing customs data. Here’s a guide on how to leverage customs data to find Chinese suppliers.

Customs data

1. Understanding Customs Data

Customs data refers to the information collected by customs authorities during the import and export of goods. This data typically includes details about the products, quantities, values, shipment dates, and most importantly, the companies involved in the transactions, including both importers and exporters.

2. Accessing Customs Data

There are several ways to access customs data:

Commercial Databases: Numerous companies offer access to global customs data, including Chinese trade data. These databases aggregate and organize data from various customs authorities, making it easier to search for specific information.

Chinese Government Websites: Some customs data can be accessed through Chinese government portals, though the information may be more limited and require a good understanding of Chinese to navigate effectively.

Third-Party Service Providers: Many companies specialize in providing customs data analysis services. These providers can offer tailored reports based on your specific needs, saving you time and effort.

One of the most reliable platforms for accessing and analyzing customs data is Tendata. Tendata provides comprehensive trade data from over 100 countries, including China, and offers powerful tools for filtering and analyzing this information to identify the best suppliers for your needs. With Tendata, you can quickly access detailed information on export volumes, transaction histories, and the companies involved, making it easier to find reliable Chinese suppliers.

3. Analyzing the Data

Once you have access to customs data, the next step is to analyze it to identify potential suppliers. Here’s how:

Identify Key Exporters: Look for companies that consistently export the products you’re interested in. Frequent exporters are more likely to have established manufacturing capabilities and reliable production processes.

Assess Export Volumes: Check the volume of goods exported by each company. Higher volumes can indicate a supplier’s ability to meet large orders and their experience in the industry.

Review Transaction History: Look at the history of transactions. Companies with a long history of exporting goods to various countries may be more reliable than newer players in the market.

Check for Multiple Buyers: Suppliers that deal with multiple international buyers are often more versatile and experienced in handling different market requirements.

4. Conducting Due Diligence

Even if customs data helps you identify potential suppliers, conducting thorough due diligence is essential to ensure you choose the right partner. Here are some steps to follow:

Request References: Ask for references from the supplier’s current or previous clients. This will give you an idea of their reliability and the quality of their products.

Visit the Factory: If possible, visit the supplier’s factory to assess their production capabilities, quality control processes, and working conditions.

Verify Certifications: Ensure the supplier has the necessary certifications for your industry, such as ISO standards, and check that their products comply with your country’s regulations.

Negotiate Terms: Discuss payment terms, delivery schedules, and other key aspects of the partnership to ensure there’s a clear understanding on both sides.

5. Establishing a Long-Term Relationship

Once you’ve identified and vetted a supplier, the final step is to establish a long-term relationship. Building a strong partnership with your supplier can lead to better pricing, more reliable delivery times, and access to higher-quality products. Maintain open communication, provide regular feedback, and work closely with your supplier to address any issues that arise.


Using customs data to find Chinese suppliers can significantly enhance your sourcing process by providing valuable insights into potential partners. Platforms like Tendata make it easier than ever to access and analyze this data, helping you identify reliable suppliers that meet your specific needs. Coupled with thorough due diligence and strong relationship-building efforts, this approach can help you establish successful and long-lasting partnerships with Chinese suppliers.

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