Top 10 Import and Export Products of India

tendata blogTrade Trends News

ten data blog13-06-2024

India, as one of the fastest-growing economies in the world, plays a significant role in global trade. The country's diverse range of export and import products highlights its economic versatility and strategic trade relationships. Here, we explore the top ten export and import products of India, reflecting its economic priorities and strengths.


Top 10 Export Products of India

Petroleum Products:

India refines crude oil and exports a variety of petroleum products, including diesel, gasoline, and naphtha. This sector is a major revenue generator due to the high global demand for energy.

Gems and Jewelry:

India is a global hub for diamond cutting and polishing. The export of diamonds, gold jewelry, and other precious stones is a key contributor to the country's export earnings.


Known as the "pharmacy of the world," India exports a significant volume of generic medicines, active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs), and vaccines to countries worldwide.


India exports a range of vehicles, including cars, motorcycles, and commercial vehicles. Brands like Tata Motors, Mahindra, and Bajaj are notable exporters in this category.

Textiles and Garments:

India is one of the largest producers and exporters of textiles and apparel. Cotton, silk, and synthetic fabrics, along with ready-made garments, are major export items.

Agricultural Products:

Key exports include rice, spices (such as turmeric and cardamom), tea, and coffee. India's diverse climate allows it to produce a wide variety of agricultural products for export.

Engineering Goods:

This category includes industrial machinery, auto components, and other engineering products. India's engineering exports are driven by its robust manufacturing capabilities.


India exports a wide range of chemicals, including organic and inorganic chemicals, dyes, and agrochemicals. This sector benefits from the country’s large chemical industry.

Leather Goods:

India exports a variety of leather products, including footwear, accessories, and finished leather. The leather industry is one of the oldest in the country.

Electronic Goods:

Although not as dominant as other sectors, India exports electronic components and devices, including consumer electronics and telecommunications equipment.

Top 10 Import Products of India

Crude Oil:

India is heavily dependent on crude oil imports to meet its energy needs. The majority of crude oil is sourced from the Middle East.


India imports large quantities of gold, primarily for jewelry manufacturing. The country is one of the largest consumers of gold in the world.


Electronic items, including smartphones, computers, and components, constitute a significant portion of India’s imports. The demand for technology products drives this sector.


Industrial machinery, including manufacturing equipment and machine tools, is a major import category. This supports India's growing industrial and infrastructure sectors.

Precious Stones:

In addition to gold, India imports diamonds and other precious stones for its thriving jewelry industry.


India imports various chemicals, including specialty chemicals and pharmaceuticals, to support its industrial and health sectors.


Despite having substantial coal reserves, India imports high-quality coal to meet the needs of its power and steel industries.

Plastic and Plastic Articles:

The country imports various plastic products and raw materials to support its manufacturing sector.

Vegetable Oils:

India is a major importer of edible oils, including palm oil and soybean oil, to meet the demands of its large population.

Iron and Steel:

To support its construction and infrastructure projects, India imports iron and steel, despite having a significant domestic production capacity.


India's trade landscape is characterized by a rich variety of export and import products of India. The export sector is led by petroleum products, gems, and pharmaceuticals, reflecting India's industrial strengths and competitive advantages. On the import side, crude oil, gold, and electronics dominate, highlighting the country's energy needs and consumer demand. Understanding these trade dynamics is crucial for businesses, policymakers, and researchers as they navigate the complexities of global trade and India's pivotal role in it.

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