Brazilian Chicken Exports Hit Record High

tendata blogTrade Trends News

ten data blog10-01-2024

brazilian chick exporters,brazilian chicken exporters,brazilian chick exporter

Brazilian meat exporters, whose commercial poultry farms first faced the threat of bird flu last year, managed to ship a record 5.138 million tonnes of chicken products in 2023, according to industry lobby group ABPA on Monday.

Export volumes (including fresh and processed products) confirmed ABPA’s positive forecast last year and increased by 6.6% compared to the total export volume in 2022 (4.822 million tons).

Brazil has never had an outbreak of bird flu in commercial poultry farms, unlike the United States or France, which have recently had to cull millions of animals to stop contagion.

Therefore, according to ABPA, Brazil is considered free of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI), meaning it is not subject to any trade bans in accordance with World Organization for Animal Health (WOAH) guidelines.

Chicken export revenue of $9.79 billion in 2023 is also unprecedented for the world's largest chicken supplier, which continues to benefit from strong global demand.

Overall, Brazil's chicken exports totaled approximately 467,000 tons in December, an increase of nearly 21% from the same month last year, thanks to large orders from countries such as Japan, the United Arab Emirates, and China.

"Despite the challenges faced this year, including significantly changing market and production cost conditions, the results are very positive," ABPA President Ricardo Santin said in a statement. "Our chicken exports have exceeded the 5 million tons mark for the first time."

Santin also praised local companies for their ability to keep the highly pathogenic avian influenza virus (HPAI) out of commercial poultry farms in Brazil, which he said has boosted importers' confidence in local biosecurity protocols.

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