Top 10 South Korea Imports in 2023: An In-Depth Analysis

tendata blogTrade Data

ten data blog17-06-2024

South Korea, known for its dynamic economy and technological advancements, has a diverse import portfolio that supports its industrial and consumer needs. In 2023, South Korea's top imports reflect its focus on energy, technology, and manufacturing materials. Here’s a detailed look at South Korea’s top 10 imports in 2023.


1. Crude Petroleum - $70.8 billion

Crude petroleum is South Korea's most significant import, crucial for its energy sector. The country relies heavily on imported crude oil to fuel its industries, power generation, and transportation systems.

2. Integrated Circuits - $45.5 billion

As a global leader in electronics manufacturing, South Korea imports a large volume of integrated circuits. These components are vital for producing semiconductors, consumer electronics, and other high-tech devices.

3. Petroleum Gas - $30.4 billion

Petroleum gas, including liquefied natural gas (LNG), is essential for South Korea’s energy needs, particularly for electricity generation and heating. The country continues to import significant quantities to meet its energy demands.

4. Refined Petroleum - $28.7 billion

Refined petroleum products, such as gasoline, diesel, and jet fuel, are critical imports for South Korea’s transport and aviation sectors. These imports ensure a stable supply of fuel for various applications.

5. Coal Briquettes - $25.6 billion

Coal briquettes are important for South Korea’s steel production and power generation. Despite global trends towards renewable energy, coal remains a key component of South Korea’s energy mix.

6. Computers - $22.1 billion

South Korea imports a substantial number of computers to support both consumer demand and the needs of its high-tech industries. These imports are crucial for maintaining the country’s technological edge.

7. Broadcasting Equipment - $19.8 billion

Broadcasting equipment is essential for South Korea’s media and telecommunications industries. These imports help in maintaining and upgrading the country’s advanced communication infrastructure.

8. Packaged Medicaments - $17.2 billion

The healthcare sector in South Korea is highly advanced, and the country imports a significant amount of packaged medicaments. These imports ensure the availability of essential medicines and healthcare products.

9. Gold - $14.7 billion

Gold is imported for both industrial applications and investment purposes. South Korea imports gold for use in electronics, jewelry, and as a financial asset.

10. Automobiles - $12.3 billion

Despite being a major automobile manufacturer, South Korea imports specific models of cars to meet diverse consumer preferences and market demands. These imports cater to the demand for foreign car brands.

Analysis and Implications

South Korea’s import patterns in 2023 highlight its dependence on energy imports, which are critical for sustaining its industrial output and economic stability. The significant import of technological components and industrial materials underscores South Korea’s position as a global leader in manufacturing and technology. Additionally, the notable import of healthcare products reflects the country's commitment to maintaining a high standard of healthcare services.


South Korea’s top 10 imports in 2023 illustrate a broad spectrum of essential products that support its economy. From energy and raw materials to high-tech components and healthcare products, these imports are vital for sustaining South Korea’s industrial base, technological advancements, and quality of life. Understanding these import trends provides valuable insights into South Korea’s economic priorities and the global supply chains it relies on.

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