Top 10 Japan Imports in 2023: A Detailed Overview

tendata blogTrade Data

ten data blog17-06-2024

Japan, as one of the world’s leading economies, has a diverse and robust import portfolio that reflects its industrial and consumer needs. In 2023, Japan's top imports were primarily driven by the demand for energy, technology, and industrial materials. Here’s a detailed look at Japan’s top 10 imports in 2023.


1. Crude Petroleum - $80.5 billion

Crude petroleum remains Japan's most significant import, essential for the country’s energy sector. Despite efforts to diversify energy sources, Japan continues to rely heavily on crude oil to power its industries and transport sector.

2. Integrated Circuits - $40.2 billion

As a hub for technology and electronics manufacturing, Japan imports a substantial amount of integrated circuits. These components are crucial for producing a wide range of electronic devices, from consumer electronics to industrial machinery.

3. Petroleum Gas - $25.8 billion

Petroleum gas, including liquefied natural gas (LNG), is another critical import for Japan. It supports the country’s energy needs, particularly for electricity generation and heating.

4. Cars - $22.3 billion

Japan, known for its automobile industry, also imports cars. These imports cater to specific market segments and demand for foreign car brands within the country.

5. Coal Briquettes - $19.7 billion

Coal briquettes are essential for Japan’s steel industry and power plants. Despite global trends towards cleaner energy, coal remains a significant part of Japan’s energy mix.

6. Computers - $18.5 billion

With its tech-savvy population and numerous tech companies, Japan imports a considerable amount of computers. These imports support both personal use and corporate needs.

7. Broadcasting Equipment - $16.2 billion

Broadcasting equipment is vital for Japan’s media and telecommunications industries. These imports help maintain and upgrade the country’s advanced communication infrastructure.

8. Packaged Medicaments - $14.6 billion

The healthcare sector in Japan is one of the most advanced in the world, and the country imports a significant amount of packaged medicaments. These imports ensure the availability of essential medicines and healthcare products.

9. Gold - $12.1 billion

Gold is a valuable import for both industrial applications and investment purposes. Japan imports gold for use in electronics, jewelry, and as a financial asset.

10. Refined Petroleum - $10.3 billion

Refined petroleum products, such as gasoline and diesel, are crucial for Japan’s transport sector. These imports complement the country's own refining capabilities and ensure a steady supply of fuel.

Analysis and Implications

Japan’s import patterns in 2023 highlight its dependence on energy imports, which are crucial for maintaining its industrial output and economic stability. The prominence of technological and industrial imports reflects Japan's position as a global leader in manufacturing and innovation. Additionally, the significant import of healthcare products underscores the country’s commitment to maintaining a high standard of healthcare.


Japan’s top 10 imports in 2023 showcase a diverse range of products essential to its economy. From energy and raw materials to high-tech components and healthcare products, these imports play a critical role in supporting Japan’s industrial base, technological advancement, and quality of life. Understanding these import trends provides valuable insights into Japan’s economic priorities and the global supply chains it relies on.

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