List of Active Indonesia Exporters | Tendata

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ten data blog24-11-2023

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Indonesia's top 5 export products are (according to 4-digit HS code):

· 2701 (16.0%, $46 billion):Coal

· 1511 (9.50%, $27 billion): Palm oil and its fractions, whether or not refined, but not chemically modified

· 7202 (4.69%, $13.7 billion): Ferro-alloys.

· 2711 (3.36%, $9.82 billion): Petroleum gases and other gaseous hydrocarbons

· 2603 (3.16%, $9.24 billion): Copper ores and concentrates

Tendata will provide you with some examples based on Indonesia's top 5 export products.

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According to the 4-digit HS code, the top 10 Indonesia Exporters for HS code 2701 are:

1.KALTIM PRIMA COAL(14.69%, $26905.13 Million)

2.BERAU COAL(7.42%, $13589.62 Million)

3.ADARO INDONESIA(7.37%, $13496.99 Million)

4.BUKIT ASAM Tbk(3.26%, $5977.67 Million)

5.KIDECO JAYA AGUNG(3.26%, $5970.69 Million)

6.MULTI HARAPAN UTAMA(3.22%, $5898.23 Million)

7.INDOMINCO MANDIRI(2.82%, $5170.11 Million)

8.BARA TABANG(2.71%, $4971.7 Million)

9.BAYAN RESOURCES TBK(1.99%, $3641.29 Million)

10.MANDIRI INTIPERKASA(1.89%, $3457.73 Million)

According to the 4-digit HS code, the top 10 Indonesia Exporters for HS code 1511 are:

1.SARI DUMAI SEJATI(10.41%, $24232.54 Million)

2.INTIBENUA PERKASATAMA(7.17%, $16687.71 Million)

3.KUTAI REFINERY NUSANTARA(6.65%, $15467.88 Million)

4.WILMAR NABATI INDONESIA(6.14%, $14291.32 Million)

5.IVO MAS TUNGGAL(4.27%, $9935.74 Million)

6.MUSIM MAS(4.16%, $9689.93 Million)

7.SUMBER INDAH PERKASA(3.92%, $9128.53 Million)

8.MULTIMAS NABATI ASAHAN(3.9%, $9074.26 Million)

9.PT ENERGI UNGGUL PERSADA(2.64%, $6134.81 Million)

10.PACIFIC INDOPALM INDUSTRIES(2.53%, $5879.53 Million)

According to the 4-digit HS code, the top 10 Indonesia Exporters for HS code 7202 are:

1.VIRTUE DRAGON NICKEL INDUSTRY(19.84%, $11595.39 Million)

2.WEDA BAY NICKEL(8.92%, $5211.55 Million)

3.YASHI INDONESIA INVESTMENT(8.37%, $4891.36 Million)

4.YOUSHAN NICKEL INDONESIA(6.62%, $3868.24 Million)

5.ANEKA TAMBANG(6.48%, $3785.6 Million)

6.MEGAH SURYA PERTIWI(5.97%, $3487.62 Million)

7.LESTARI SMELTER INDONESIA(4.4%, $2568.5 Million)

8.CAHAYA SMELTER INDONESIA(4.23%, $2470.12 Million)

9.BUKIT SMELTER INDONESIA(4.13%, $2411.11 Million)


According to the 4-digit HS code, the top 5 Indonesia Exporters for HS code 2711 are:

1.PERTAMINA PERSERO(54.13%, $31219.85 Million)

2.BP BERAU LTD(29.4%, $16956.6 Million)

3.DONGGI SENORO LNG(12.85%, $7411.12 Million)

4.PREMIER OIL NATUNA SEA BV(3.61%, $2084.89 Million)


According to the 4-digit HS code, the top 2 Indonesia Exporters for HS code 2603 are:

1.FREEPORT INDONESIA(77.27%, $34524.44 Million)

2.AMMAN MINERAL NUSA TENGGARA(22.73%, $10154.07 Million)

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Here is an example scenario of company information:

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