How to Make Product Analysis by Tendata

tendata blogTrade Data Provider

ten data blog25-07-2024

In the ever-evolving world of international trade, accurate product analysis is crucial for staying competitive and identifying market opportunities. Tendata, a specialized platform for foreign trade professionals, offers robust tools and data to facilitate comprehensive product analysis. This guide will walk you through the steps to effectively use Tendata for product analysis.


1. Understanding the Basics of Tendata

Tendata provides a wealth of global customs data, market analysis, and competitive intelligence. It is particularly useful for Chinese exporters looking to gain insights into international markets. The platform's key features include:

Access to global customs data

Detailed market analysis reports

Competitive analysis tools

Real-time updates and alerts

2. Setting Up Your Tendata Account

Before you can begin analyzing products, you need to set up your Tendata account. Follow these steps:

Registration: Visit the Tendata website and register for an account. You may need to provide some basic information about your business and your specific needs.

Subscription Plan: Choose a subscription plan that fits your requirements. Tendata offers various plans with different levels of access and features.

Login: Once your account is set up, log in to the Tendata platform.

3. Navigating the Tendata Dashboard

Upon logging in, you will be greeted by the Tendata dashboard. This is your central hub for accessing all of Tendata's features. The dashboard typically includes:

Search Bar: For quick searches of products, companies, or markets.

Data Categories: Sections for different types of data, such as import/export data, market trends, and competitor analysis.

Reports and Alerts: Customizable reports and real-time alerts for market changes.

4. Conducting Product Analysis

To analyze a product using Tendata, follow these steps:

Step 1: Define Your Product

Start by clearly defining the product you want to analyze. Use specific keywords, HS codes (Harmonized System codes), or product categories to refine your search. For example, if you are analyzing electric scooters, you can use the relevant HS code or keywords like "electric scooter" or "e-scooter."

Step 2: Search for Relevant Data

Use the search bar to enter your product keywords or HS codes. Tendata will provide a list of relevant data points, including:

Import and Export Data: See where your product is being imported and exported, along with volumes and values.

Market Trends: Analyze trends over time to identify seasonal patterns or emerging markets.

Top Importers and Exporters: Identify major players in the market and their trading partners.

Step 3: Analyze Market Trends

Dive deeper into the market trends section to understand the dynamics of your product's market. Look for:

Growth Rates: Identify markets with high growth rates for your product.

Price Trends: Monitor price fluctuations to determine the best times to enter or exit a market.

Seasonal Patterns: Recognize seasonal demand spikes to optimize your inventory and sales strategies.

Step 4: Competitive Analysis

Understanding your competitors is crucial for strategic planning. Tendata's competitive analysis tools help you:

Identify Competitors: Find out who your main competitors are in each market.

Benchmark Performance: Compare your performance against competitors using metrics like market share, sales volume, and growth rates.

Discover Strategies: Analyze competitors' strategies, including pricing, distribution channels, and marketing tactics.

Step 5: Generate Reports and Set Alerts

Tendata allows you to generate detailed reports based on your analysis. These reports can be customized to focus on specific markets, time periods, or data points. Additionally, you can set up real-time alerts to stay informed about significant changes in the market, such as sudden spikes in demand or new competitors entering the market.

5. Utilizing Advanced Features

Tendata offers several advanced features to enhance your product analysis:

Predictive Analytics: Use predictive models to forecast future trends and demand for your product.

Supply Chain Insights: Gain visibility into supply chain dynamics to optimize your sourcing and logistics strategies.

Custom Dashboards: Create personalized dashboards to monitor key metrics and data points relevant to your business.

6. Integrating Tendata with Your Workflow

To maximize the benefits of Tendata, integrate it into your regular workflow. Schedule regular analysis sessions, use the data to inform your strategic decisions, and continuously monitor the market for new opportunities or threats.


Tendata is a powerful tool for conducting comprehensive product analysis in the competitive world of international trade. By leveraging its extensive data and advanced features, you can gain valuable insights into market trends, competitive dynamics, and supply chain efficiencies. Follow the steps outlined in this guide to make the most of Tendata and stay ahead of the competition.

From traditional data retrieval to constructing business scenarios, Tendata T-Insight employs multiple analysts to work for you.

With intelligent market analysis, it assists in saving analysts' time and your money.

Eliminate the need for manual and frequent searches and analyses. With Tendata, you can effortlessly grasp product trade trends, trade flows, top 10 import and export countries with a single click, understand market trends, and identify high-value regions.

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