What Are the Free Foreign B2b Websites?

tendata blogTrade Data Provider

ten data blog23-04-2024

Foreign trade personnel need to obtain inquiries, they must first find foreign trade customers. There are usually two ways to acquire customers in foreign trade:

1. Passive customer acquisition: Publish products on various B2B websites, promote your company's brand, and showcase the quality of your products, passively waiting for foreign trade customers to inquire.

2. Active customer acquisition: Browse directories of suppliers and buyers from various countries, conduct research on these potential foreign trade customers, understand their trade records, purchasing prices, intended products, etc., identify suitable foreign trade customers, obtain contact information of potential customers, and actively develop customers.

We can see that whether it is passive customer acquisition or active customer acquisition, B2B websites play an indispensable role:

For passive customer acquisition, foreign trade companies can publish company and product information on B2B websites;

For active customer acquisition, foreign trade companies can browse suppliers and buyers on B2B websites to obtain their list of potential customers.

However, posting information on many foreign B2B websites requires payment, and it is very expensive. So what are some foreign free B2B websites? It is recommended for cross-border traders to bookmark!

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1. Global:

- Alibaba: https://www.alibaba.com/

- Tendata: https://www.tendata.com/

- GlobalSources: https://www.globalsources.com/

- Kompass: https://www.kompass.com/

- Europages: https://www.europages.com/

2. United States:

- Thomasnet: https://www.thomasnet.com/

- MFG: https://www.mfg.com/

- Kinnek: https://www.kinnek.com/

3. India:

- TradeIndia: https://www.tradeindia.com/

- IndiaMART: https://www.indiamart.com/

- ExportersIndia: https://www.exportersindia.com/

4. Japan:

- Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO): https://www.jetro.go.jp/

5. Germany:

- Wer Liefert Was: https://www.wlw.de/

6. South Korea:

- EC21: https://kr.ec21.com/

7. United Kingdom:

- eSources.co.uk: https://www.esources.co.uk/

- Applegate: https://www.applegate.co.uk/

8. Canada:

- Canadian Trade Index: https://www.ctidirectory.com/

- Thomasnet Canada: https://www.thomasnet.com/canada/

9. Australia:

- IndustrySearch.com.au: https://www.industrysearch.com.au/

- HiPages: https://hipages.com.au/

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Is Free Customs Data Useful?

Currently, customs data in the market is divided into two categories: paid and free. According to Tendata's knowledge, many customs data companies claim to have developed a free customs data system. However, the core intention is to attract traffic for secondary marketing and profit.

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