How to Find Customers for Importers & Exporters?

tendata blogTrade Data Provider

ten data blog18-10-2023

find customer,find buyer,find customer list

We all know the saying about not putting all your eggs in one basket, and the same applies to importers & exporters. Relying solely on one platform, such as Alibaba, is not the only solution. While it may bring short-term gains, it's not a reliable approach for long-term growth.

Import and export businesses establish websites or online stores on B2B platforms with the ultimate goal of attracting customers to view their products. Without customers, all these efforts are in vain! Building trust with customers who are thousands of miles away can be quite challenging. Therefore, obtaining customer information is crucial — companies need to find customer contact details, company information, and other reference data. This is where big data becomes your best and quickest choice, helping companies save 50% of their time and increase efficiency by 100%! can provide you with import and export information and contact details of potential customers based on your keywords. It offers the best market analysis, helping you understand customer psychology and make a powerful impact!

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Step 1: Customer Development — Rapidly Create Targeted Customer Lists has customs data from over 80 countries, business data from 198 countries, internet data from 141 countries, over 100 billion trade data entries, data on 120 million in-depth companies, and a database of 130 million purchasers. It comprehensively covers existing and new purchasers in your target market, helping you develop customers quickly. offers various search methods, such as product searches, company names, HS codes, SIC codes, and more. It allows for intelligent one-click queries to rapidly develop lists of matching customer groups.

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Step 2: Customer Analysis — Obtain Accurate Decision Maker Contact Information

Using, you can quickly and in bulk obtain purchaser data, allowing you to target customers based on their purchase volume, price preferences, and more.

Additionally, provides information about target customers, covering enterprise, executive, financial, and industry data. It offers an in-depth analysis of decision makers such as CEOs, owners, buyers, marketing managers, providing their contact information, including email addresses, social media profiles, company websites, and more.

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Step 3: Customer Outreach — Efficiently Reach Potential Overseas Customers has a globally leading email marketing system that integrates with over 20 email delivery providers. It intelligently analyzes delivery routes, ensuring a delivery rate of over 90%. It combines email sending and management in one, ensuring that your emails reach the customers you've developed safely, quickly, and accurately.

Furthermore, supports email verification, utilizing 18 years of accumulated filtering rules and filter libraries to maximize email accuracy. This minimizes your bounce rate and account suspension rate, enhancing your efficiency in customer development and business progression.

Proactive marketing involves sales personnel actively seeking out customers, consistently following up, and vigorously promoting products or services. It demands higher levels of professional skills and improved communication abilities from salespeople, as well as targeted efforts in customer and market development. By leveraging their subjective initiative, individuals can maximize their potential in customer acquisition.

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1. Discover Target Customers

One-click global search enables real-time identification of active customers worldwide, flexible screening of potential Import and Export customers, enhancing efficiency, and cost savings. Tendata's Business Intelligence Discovery utilizes a one-click search that simultaneously accesses three major databases: trade, commercial, and cloud search. No waiting required; global customers are presented in just 0.01 seconds. Exclusive discovery of Importers and Exporters' specific customers, real-time identification of the latest and most active global prospects, and seizing industry opportunities. (>>>Click to Inquire for Free Demo<<<)

2. Monitor Customer and Competitor Dynamics

Tendata T-Rader can monitor new and existing customers from any channel, intelligently pushing business opportunity information, and providing real-time insights into customer dynamics. (>>>Click to Learn More<<<)

3. Analyze Buyer Details

Tendata's data, through market analysis, origin analysis, supplier analysis, and peer analysis, empowers you to strategize effectively. With over 10 billion trade data points, it precisely analyzes global import and export trade information details, such as country distribution, origin analysis, purchasing trends and details, and enterprise information analysis. Accurate data analysis of competitive environments and market situations actively supports business decisions! (>>>Click to Analyze Your Buyers<<<)

Tendata places customers at the center, emphasizing products and services while prioritizing customer experiences! From early-stage Import and Export market research to final order acquisition, Tendata is always present for any stage you need. (>>>Visit the Shanghai Tendata official website for more details<<<)

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