How to Maintain Import-Export Long-Term Clients?

tendata blogTrade Data Provider

ten data blog30-08-2023

maintain client,maintain clients,maintain customers

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Developing clients is like sowing seeds, fertilizing, and watering a garden; many salespeople are passionate about this aspect. However, once a deal is closed, existing clients are often overlooked, assuming they will return for repeat business. Unknowingly, valuable long-term clients are lost.

Sales is about meeting customer needs, while marketing is about creating customer needs. Although the terms differ, both aim for the same result: selling products and realizing their value.

Moreover, by maintaining existing clients, you ensure your order pipeline and income are secure. This safeguards your company's business operations and enables long-term planning and development.

A company without stable clients cannot maintain steady business operations, plan for the future, or achieve sustainable growth.

Hence, maintaining old clients is crucial for every company.

So, what techniques are there to maintain our long-term clients?

For import-export sales, it's essential not only to acquire new clients but also to retain old ones. Tendata Trade can accurately study and assess the purchasing dynamics and habits of current, potential, and lost clients using precise data. This insight helps establish stable supply-demand relationships, ensuring precise client maintenance.

For example, using Tendata, you can analyze which suppliers your clients are purchasing from and determine your share.

>>>Get Method of Maintain Clients<<<

maintain client,maintain clients,maintain customers

Then, have an open conversation: Have you assessed other suppliers as well? We believe we're a premium supplier, but you're currently allocating only around 20% of your business to us. Could you consider increasing our share? Of course, it's a suggestion. If you'd like to evaluate further, that's no problem. Could you share your rough procurement requirements for the upcoming year?

Many companies aren't sure about their upcoming year's procurement volume, yet most have sales targets. Achieving these targets relies on market development and supply chain support.

At this point, suggest that you're willing to help them achieve their sales goals by offering favorable terms and assisting them in the market. You don't need to claim all the business; 40% would be sufficient!

This approach is another facet of client maintenance—supporting clients in their sales and market efforts.

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