Top Plums Imports & Exports in 2023 - by Country & Company | Tendata

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ten data blog13-11-2024

In 2023, the global exports of fresh plums reached a total value of $1.05 billion. This marked an increase in export value of approximately 15.3% over the last five years, compared to $913.8 million in 2019. However, the growth in the value of plums exported from 2022 to 2023 was relatively modest, rising just 1.5% from $1.04 billion.

Plums are a diverse group of fruits, with a wide range of tastes from sweet to tart. While the flesh is often sweet, the skin tends to be tart. Besides being eaten fresh, plums are also used in the production of jams, juices, wines, and as dried or salted snacks.

The five largest exporters of fresh plums in 2023—Chile, Spain, Hong Kong, South Africa, and China—accounted for 62.4% of the total export value. When viewed by continent, Europe emerged as the largest exporter of plums, contributing 37% of the global total, followed by Asia with 25.7%, and Latin America at 20.9% (excluding Mexico). Smaller shares came from Africa (9.4%), North America (5.5%), and Oceania (1.5%, mostly from Australia).

On the import side, the top five countries for plums import in 2023 were China, Hong Kong, Germany, Russia, and the USA, together accounting for 51% of global plum imports by dollar value. These nations dominate the plum import market, underlining their key role in global trade.

Looking at imports by continent, Asia led with 46.4% of global plums import, followed by Europe at 36.9%, North America at 9.2%, and Latin America at 5.1% (excluding Mexico but including the Caribbean). Africa and Oceania accounted for 2.3% and 0.1%, respectively.

In terms of cost, the average price paid by importers for plums in 2023 was $1,643 per ton, reflecting a 15.1% increase from the previous year's average of $1,427 per ton.

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Top Plum Import & Export Companies

According to Tendata, in 2023, the leading plum import companies by value were:

1. Asma Industrial Ltd: $81.39 million (14.42%)

2. Grandezza: $16.76 million (2.97%)

3. Acumen Fruit: $15.23 million (2.7%)

4. Comercializadora Mexico Americana: $12.52 million (2.22%)

5. FA Logistik Kazakhstan: $7.74 million (1.37%)

6. Grand Trade AO: $6.42 million (1.14%)

7. Individuelny Predprinimatel Uljan: $6.22 million (1.1%)

8. Comercializadora de Frutas Finas Tarahumara: $5.94 million (1.05%)

9. Saryarkaavtoprom: $5.66 million (1%)

10. Importaciones Volt: $5.16 million (0.91%)

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On the export side, the leading companies included:

1. Parksons Packaging Ltd: $13.16 million (11.16%)

2. Jhaveri Flexo India Ltd: $7.34 million (6.23%)

3. AAA Exim: $5.95 million (5.05%)

4. PT Daun Cinta Bumi: $3.39 million (2.88%)

5. Danone: $2.51 million (2.13%)

6. Food Agro Company BB: $2.33 million (1.97%)

7. Reframet KZ: $1.87 million (1.58%)

8. NMJK: $1.81 million (1.53%)

9. Sirojiddin Agro Fruits: $1.8 million (1.53%)

10. Elite Green Pvt Ltd: $1.72 million (1.46%)

These companies lead the global market in plum exports and imports, reflecting the competitive nature of the plum trade worldwide.

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Top Plums Imports by Country

In 2023, the top 20 importers of fresh plums were:

1. China: $280.8 million (23% of global imports)

2. Hong Kong: $144.8 million (11.9%)

3. Germany: $76.2 million (6.2%)

4. United Kingdom: $61.8 million (5.1%)

5. USA: $59.4 million (4.9%)

6. Netherlands: $50.7 million (4.2%)

7. Brazil: $47.1 million (3.9%)

8. Vietnam: $45.2 million (3.7%)

9. Canada: $39.6 million (3.2%)

10. Russia: $33 million (2.7%)

11. Poland: $26.6 million (2.2%)

12. Austria: $24.8 million (2%)

13. Italy: $23.4 million (1.9%)

14. Belgium: $18.7 million (1.5%)

15. UAE: $17.6 million (1.4%)

17. France: $17 million (1.4%)

18. Egypt: $16 million (1.3%)

19. Switzerland: $14.4 million (1.2%)

20. Mexico: $13.8 million (1.1%)

21. Romania: $11.7 million (1%)

These 20 countries together accounted for 83.8% of the global value of plums import.

Among these leading importers, the fastest-growing markets were Vietnam (up 1,005%), Austria (up 175.3%), Poland (up 46.6%), and Mexico (up 39%). In contrast, the largest declines in imports were seen in UAE (down -35.3%), Russia (down -33.5%), Egypt (down -17.2%), and France (down -14.7%).

Top Plums Exports by Country

The following are the top 20 countries that exported the highest dollar value of fresh plums in 2023:

1. Chile: $219.6 million (20.8% of global exports)

2. Spain: $143.9 million (13.7%)

3. Hong Kong: $137 million (13%)

4. South Africa: $91.5 million (8.7%)

5. China: $65 million (6.2%)

6. USA: $57.5 million (5.5%)

7. Italy: $54 million (5.1%)

8. Netherlands: $49.7 million (4.7%)

9. Moldova: $40.8 million (3.9%)

10. Turkey: $28.9 million (2.7%)

11. France: $16.2 million (1.5%)

12. Australia: $16 million (1.5%)

13. Austria: $12.8 million (1.2%)

14. Serbia: $10.8 million (1%)

15. Portugal: $9.6 million (0.9%)

16. Uzbekistan: $9.4 million (0.9%)

17. Germany: $8.2 million (0.8%)

18. Lebanon: $8.1 million (0.8%)

19. Poland: $8 million (0.8%)

20. Croatia: $6.7 million (0.6%)

Together, these 20 countries accounted for 94.3% of global plum exports in 2023.

Among these exporters, the fastest-growing were Austria (up 564.5%), Moldova (up 170.9%), Croatia (up 152.1%), and Portugal (up 53.2%). On the other hand, the countries that experienced a decline in export sales included Uzbekistan (down -59.8%), Serbia (down -25.4%), and Australia (down -24.1%).

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