Leading International Orange Exports by Country in 2022 - Tendata

tendata blogMarket Insights

ten data blog23-07-2024

In 2022, global sales of orange exports from all exporting countries reached a total of USD 4.7 billion.

Overall, the value of orange exports decreased by an average of 13.5% for all suppliers since 2018 when orange shipments were valued at $5.4 billion.

Year-over-year, the value of global orange exports dropped by 14.3% from $5.5 billion in 2021.

The 5 largest exporters of oranges in 2022 were Spain, South Africa, Egypt, the United States, and the Netherlands. Together, these major suppliers accounted for 71.9% of the total international sales of orange exports.

By continent, European countries generated the highest dollar value from orange exports in 2022, with shipments worth $1.9 billion or 41.5% of the global total. Africa followed at 32.7%, while 11.7% of worldwide shipments came from North America.

Asia contributed 7.8% of the orange exports, with smaller percentages from Oceania (3.8%), mostly Australia, and Latin America (2.5%) excluding Mexico but including the Caribbean.

For research purposes, the 6-digit Harmonized Tariff System code for fresh or dried oranges is 080510.

orange exports,global orange exports,orange exporters

Top Orange Exporting Countries in 2022

Below are the 15 countries that achieved the highest dollar value from orange exports in 2022:

1. Spain: $1.2 billion (26.1% of total orange exports)

2. South Africa: $762.7 million (16.3%)

3. Egypt: $635.9 million (13.6%)

4. United States: $509.5 million (10.9%)

5. Netherlands: $241.3 million (5.1%)

6. Australia: $175.8 million (3.7%)

7. Greece: $143.9 million (3.1%)

8. Italy: $112 million (2.4%)

9. Portugal: $101.5 million (2.2%)

10. Turkey: $98.5 million (2.1%)

11. China: $91.6 million (2%)

12. Morocco: $86.5 million (1.8%)

13. Hong Kong: $80.2 million (1.7%)

14. Chile: $60.6 million (1.3%)

15. France: $44.3 million (0.9%)

These 15 countries shipped 93.1% of globally exported oranges in 2022.

Among the top exporters, those with growing international markets included Morocco (up 27.9% from 2021), France (up 8.6%), and Portugal (up 1.4%).

Countries with significant declines in their orange export sales included China (down 41% from 2021), Chile (down 25.3%), Italy (down 23.4%), Greece (down 22.1%), and the United States (down 15.2%).

Leading Companies in Orange Exports

According to the global trading platform Tendata, the following companies are notable examples of orange-trading companies, with their market shares and values in parentheses:

1. RENUKA PLASTI CRAFTS PVT LTD (75.82%, $29256.13 Million)

2. TRUE CARE BIOMEDIX (2.75%, $1060 Million)

3. ŞİŞECAM DIŞ TİCARET ANONİM ŞİRKETİ (1.95%, $753.38 Million)

4. AMD INDUSTRIES LTD (1.92%, $739.98 Million)

5. CÔNG TY TNHH CAMMSYS VIỆT NAM (0.97%, $374.91 Million)

6. CÔNG TY CP PHƯỚC KỲ NAM (0.88%, $340.19 Million)


8. CITROFRUT (0.72%, $278.35 Million)

9. PROCITRUS (0.56%, $215.4 Million)

10. BHARAT FORGE LIMITED (0.4%, $154.19 Million)

These companies are prominent players in the orange exports market, contributing significantly to the global trade of this fruit.

orange exports,global orange exports,orange exporters

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