Leading Cucumbers Export Countries - Tendata

tendata blogMarket Insights

ten data blog16-07-2024

Global sales for cucumbers export reached a total of US$3.3 billion in 2022.

Overall, the value of exported cucumbers increased by an average of 20.3% from $2.75 billion in 2018.

Year over year, the global value of exported cucumbers rose by 4% compared to $3.19 billion in 2021.

Cucumbers often play a crucial culinary role, serving as crunchy ingredients in various dishes, from garden salads to sweet pickles.

The top 5 cucumbers export countries by value are Spain, Mexico, the Netherlands, Canada, and Türkiye. Together, these 5 major suppliers accounted for over four-fifths (83.3%) of all cucumbers exported in 2022, indicating a highly concentrated group of leading exporters.

From a continental perspective, European suppliers led the cucumbers export market, exporting cucumbers worth $1.88 billion in 2022, which represents 56.8% of the global total. North American exporters followed, accounting for 35.9%, while Asia provided another 6.1% of the world’s cucumber exports in 2022.

Smaller percentages came from Latin America (0.62%) excluding Mexico but including the Caribbean, Africa (0.6%), and Oceania’s (0.02%) Australia and New Zealand.

For research purposes, the 6-digit Harmonized Tariff System code prefix is 070700 for fresh or chilled cucumbers and gherkins. Gherkins refer to a small variety of cucumber or a young green cucumber used for pickling.

cucumbers export,cucumbers exported,cucumbers export market

Top Cucumber Exporting Countries

Below are the 15 countries that exported the highest dollar value of cucumbers in 2022:

- Spain: US$958.4 million (28.9% of total cucumbers export)

- Mexico: $696.4 million (21%)

- Netherlands: $590.8 million (17.8%)

- Canada: $442.6 million (13.4%)

- Türkiye: $71.4 million (2.2%)

- Belgium: $54.9 million (1.7%)

- China: $52.7 million (1.6%)

- Greece: $52 million (1.6%)

- United States: $49.4 million (1.5%)

- Germany: $26 million (0.8%)

- Poland: $24.6 million (0.7%)

- Romania: $24.1 million (0.7%)

- France: $24 million (0.7%)

- Austria: $18.2 million (0.6%)

- Morocco: $17.8 million (0.5%)

By value, these 15 countries shipped 93.7% of cucumbers export in 2022.

Among the leading exporters, the fastest-growing cucumbers export countries since 2021 were Morocco (up 89.8%), Austria (up 49.5%), Romania (up 41%), and Canada (up 16.9%).

Four major suppliers saw declines in their cucumber export sales: the United States (down -28.9% from 2021), China (down -13.9%), Greece (down -6.6%), and Germany (down -3%).

Companies Engaged in Cucumbers Export

According to global trading platform Alibaba, the following are examples of exporters dealing in cucumbers export:

1. The Himalaya Drug Company: 14.12%, $106.56 million

2. Công Ty Trách Nhiệm Hữu Hạn Hội Vũ: 4.02%, $30.36 million

3. NatureSweet Comercializadora: 3.85%, $29.02 million

4. PGP Glass Private Limited: 3.13%, $23.63 million

5. Koeleman India Pvt Ltd: 2.97%, $22.41 million

6. Agricultura Controlada: 2.82%, $21.3 million

7. Productos Del Campo Anahuac SPR: 2.73%, $20.58 million

8. Productos Agricolas De Nueva Italia: 2.36%, $17.81 million

9. Veg Ex: 2.23%, $16.87 million

10. Chada Agricultura: 2.14%, $16.13 million

These companies are prime examples of those engaged in the cucumbers export market, contributing significantly to the global supply chain.

cucumbers export,cucumbers exported,cucumbers export market

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