Global Top Candy Importers in 2023 - Tendata

tendata blogImport News

ten data blog29-11-2024

From the Candy database provided by Tendata, 16,220 Global Candy importers worldwide were engaged in the business in 2023, with a total import value of $3,049,003,235.79; the number of trades was 230,422.

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List of Top 10 Candy importers 2023 in the World:

1.CÔNG TY TNHH THỰC PHẨM ÂN NAM(31.97%, $974.66 Million)


3.ООО ШТОРК(2.8%, $85.34 Million)

4.STORCK CENTRAL ASIA LLP(1.32%, $40.17 Million)


6.PT RANJANI JAYA LESTARI(1.29%, $39.3 Million)

7.ТОВ МАРС УКРАЇНА УКРАЇНА(1.04%, $31.76 Million)

8.OOO STORCK(1.02%, $31.22 Million)


10.ЗАО ФЕРРЕРО РУССИЯ(0.96%, $29.39 Million)

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What Are the Relevant Hs Codes for Candy import and What Is Their Trade Volume in 2023?

You can find out from the Candy import database provided by Tendata:

1.HS Code:17049099(35.64%, $1086.81 Million):OTHER CONFECTIONERY ARTICLES WITHOUT COCOA

2.HS Code:170490(1.19%, $36.28 Million):Sugar confectionery not containing cocoa, including white chocolate (excluding chewing gum)

3.HS Code:17049091(1.05%, $31.95 Million):Sugar confectionery not containing cocoa, incl. white chocolate (excl. chewing gum): Other: Soft, containing gelatin

4.HS Code:17049000(0.79%, $24.16 Million):Sugar confectionery not containing cocoa, including white chocolate (excluding chewing gum)

5.HS Code:180690(0.59%, $18.06 Million):Chocolate and other preparations containing cocoa, in containers or immediate packings of <= 2 kg (excl. in blocks, slabs or bars and cocoa powder)

6.HS Code:17029099(0.44%, $13.47 Million):Other sugars (excluding invert sugar), n.e.s.

7.HS Code:17049020(0.31%, $9.31 Million):Sugar confectionery not containing cocoa, incl. white chocolate (excl. chewing gum): Boiled sweets with nucleus filled

8.HS Code:17049090(0.3%, $9.16 Million):Other sugar confectionery, not containing cocoa

9.HS Code:180632(0.29%, $8.69 Million):Chocolate and other preparations containing cocoa, in blocks, slabs or bars of <= 2 kg (excl. filled)

10.HS Code:17019910(0.29%, $7.23 Million):Sugar and chemically pure sucrose, in solid form (excl. sugar confectionery, sugar directly coating other goods, sugar powder or grain, sugar syrup, sugar paste, sugar of milk, sugar of palm, sugar of fruit, sugar of honey, sugar of maple, sugar of maguey, cane or beet sugar containing added flavouring or colouring and raw sugar): Sugar cubes

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