Fiji Import Data in 2023 - Tendata

tendata blogImport News

ten data blog19-07-2024

In 2023, Fiji's merchandise imports amounted to $3.1 billion. This represents a 3.43% increase compared to 2022, when the total value of merchandise imports was $2.99 billion, marking a growth of $103 million.

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According to the latest Tendata iTrader data, based on 4-digit HS codes, the top 10 imported products to Fiji in 2023 are:

1. HS Code 2710 (23.0%, $716 million): Petroleum oils and oils from bituminous minerals, not crude; preparations n.e.c. containing by weight 70% or more of petroleum oils or oils from bituminous minerals; these being the basic constituents of the preparations; waste oils.

2. HS Code 9018 (2.98%, $92 million): Instruments and appliances used in medical, surgical, dental, or veterinary sciences, including scintigraphic apparatus, other electro-medical apparatus, and sight-testing instruments.

3. HS Code 8703 (2.76%, $85 million): Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars.

4. HS Code 8517 (2.67%, $82 million): Electrical apparatus for line telephony or line telegraphy, including line telephone sets with cordless handsets and telecommunication apparatus for carrier-current line systems or for digital line systems; videophones.

5. HS Code 8704 (2.14%, $66 million): Motor vehicles for the transport of goods.

6. HS Code 1001 (2.06%, $64 million): Wheat and meslin.

7. HS Code 8807 (1.16%, $36 million): Aircraft; parts of goods of heading 8801, 8802, or 8806.

8. HS Code 1006 (1.12%, $34 million): Rice.

9. HS Code 0204 (1.11%, $34 million): Meat of sheep or goats, fresh, chilled, or frozen.

10. HS Code 3004 (1.00%, $31 million): Medicaments (excluding goods of heading 30.02, 30.05, or 30.06) consisting of mixed or unmixed products for therapeutic or prophylactic uses, put up in measured doses (including those in the form of transdermal administration systems) or in forms or packings for retail sale.

When you need to understand the market in Fiji, you can use product names or HS codes in Tendata's Fiji Import Data to obtain market trends for the entire industry. Besides the above, Tendata also supports searches by importer name, importer address, port of shipment, destination port, bill of lading number, weight, quantity, container number, size, and more. All fields are available in the Fiji Import Data. With this data, you can quickly conduct market analysis. Here is a sample of your query:

import data,fiji import data,fiji import

According to the latest Tendata iTrader data, Fiji's main import partners are:

1. Singapore (25%, $795 million)

2. Australia (15.4%, $478 million)

3. China (15%, $466 million)

4. New Zealand (13.6%, $422 million)

5. USA (5.13%, $159 million)

6. Japan (3.5%, $108 million)

7. India (3.07%, $95 million)

8. Thailand (2.71%, $84 million)

9. Malaysia (2.44%, $75 million)

10. Indonesia (1.66%, $51 million)

When you want to understand whether Fijian importers prefer to work with exporters from your country, you can search by country name in Tendata's Fiji Import Data. Don't forget to select the time range to get the latest import and export data. 

Expand Fiji's import business using customs data and appropriate market intelligence.

Our Fiji trade data covers companies, products, and other detailed customs information. Each shipment detail of Fiji imports is useful for the entire industry. From importers and exporters to logistics companies and other sectors, Fiji import data adds value to every business.

Why do you need Fiji Import Data?

According to Fiji Import Data, importers can:

1. Quickly find suppliers in the Fijian market.

2. Understand the market situation and trade dynamics in Fiji.

3. Monitor your competitors and stay ahead of them.

4. Use data-driven insights to update marketing techniques in real-time.

5. Set long-term business goals and increase company revenue.

Why choose Tendata's Fiji Import Data?

Tendata connects trade data from 218 countries and regions, business data from 198 countries, and internet data from 172 countries. With a single search, you can access information on approximately 130 million active buyers and suppliers worldwide. These customers have real purchase records and intentions, allowing your high-quality customer base to converge in 0.01 seconds, saving you a lot of time.

If you are a marketer or trader looking to import more cost-effective products, please contact us immediately to obtain Fiji’s customs data from 218 countries/regions. Please visit our website at or send an email to for more information.

About Tendata

If you want to expand your export business and want to find out if there are export opportunities, there is much more you need to do! It may take a lot of time to conduct market research. Want to start your export business as fast as possible? Tendata can help you save up to 90% of your time!

Tendata provides real-time updated import and export data and customs data of 220+ countries, dynamically records the transaction details of each import and export goods, accurately mines and analyzes real buyers around the world based on big data AI intelligent technology, and easily matches the name, identity, position, email address, phone number and social account of the person in charge of purchasing in 10 seconds, which can satisfy all kinds of needs such as searching for overseas buyers, monitoring competitors, grasping market trends, improving enterprise competitiveness and so on. It can help you find overseas buyers, monitor competitors, grasp market trends, improve enterprise competitiveness and other needs, and help you quickly increase your company's revenue.

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