Top 5 Global Import Markets for Trailers and Semi-Trailers in 2023

tendata blogImport News

ten data blog06-06-2024

Trailers and semi-trailers play a crucial role in the global transport and logistics industry. In 2023, several key countries stood out with significant import values in this market. Here are the major import markets for trailers and semi-trailers in 2023:

import market for trailers and semi-trailers,import market for trailers,import markets for trailers

1. United States – $4.6 Billion

The United States is the world's largest import market for trailers and semi-trailers, with imports amounting to $4.6 billion in 2023. As the largest economy in the world, the U.S. has a massive demand for transportation. The logistics, construction, and agricultural sectors heavily rely on trailers and semi-trailers, driving the growth of this market. An efficient transportation system is a cornerstone of the U.S. economy, and trailers and semi-trailers are an integral part of this system.

2. Canada – $1.5 Billion

Following closely, Canada is the second-largest importer of trailers and semi-trailers, with imports reaching $1.5 billion in 2023. With its vast land area and diverse terrain, transportation and logistics are vital to Canada’s economic development. Trailers and semi-trailers are essential not only for domestic transport but also for cross-border trade with the U.S. The demand from Canada’s manufacturing and natural resources sectors further fuels the import market.

3. Germany – $782.6 Million

Germany is the largest import market for trailers and semi-trailers in Europe, with imports totaling $782.6 million in 2023. As Europe’s economic powerhouse, Germany boasts a developed industrial and transportation system. Trailers and semi-trailers are widely used in Germany's automotive, heavy industry, and logistics sectors. Germany’s stringent environmental and safety standards drive the import of high-quality, high-performance transport equipment to meet domestic needs.

4. Poland – $755.7 Million

Poland imported $755.7 million worth of trailers and semi-trailers in 2023, making it the fourth-largest market. Poland is a significant economy in Central and Eastern Europe, experiencing rapid economic growth, infrastructure development, and industrial expansion in recent years. The swift growth of the logistics and transport industry in Poland has led to increased demand for trailers and semi-trailers. Poland’s strategic position in the European transport network makes it a key import market.

5. Netherlands – $689.2 Million

The Netherlands is another major import market for trailers and semi-trailers, with imports valued at $689.2 million in 2023. As one of Europe’s logistics hubs, the Netherlands has world-class ports and transportation networks. Trailers and semi-trailers are vital for the Netherlands' import-export trade. The demand from the country’s agriculture, industrial, and logistics sectors ensures that the import market remains robust.


In 2023, the major import markets for trailers and semi-trailers were the United States, Canada, Germany, Poland, and the Netherlands. These countries, due to their economic scale, geographical characteristics, and industrial needs, have a substantial demand for efficient transport equipment. As the global logistics and transport industry continues to grow, these markets are expected to maintain their upward trajectory, providing critical support for global trade and economic development.

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