The Top 5 Whiskey Imports Countries

tendata blogImport News

ten data blog01-04-2024

Whether it's the rich aroma of single malt whiskey or the smooth woody scent of blended Scotch whiskey, the fragrance of whiskey is enough to rejuvenate even the weariest soul. The popularity of this beloved golden spirit partly stems from the rich traditions it embodies. Whiskey-making is an ancient craft that can be traced back centuries. Its origins date back over a thousand years when the art of distillation migrated from the European continent to Ireland and Scotland through traveling monks. With a lack of vineyards and grapes on the continent, monasteries in Scotland and Ireland turned to fermenting grain malt mash, giving rise to the first distillation of modern whiskey. For ease of research, whiskey is assigned the Harmonized System code 220830.

Whiskey ranks among the most consumed alcoholic beverages globally, with the global whiskey market valued at $64 billion in 2022, projected to reach $91.3 billion by 2028, with a forecasted compound annual growth rate of 6% during the prediction period. Alcohol consumption is shifting from beer and wine, with millennials more likely to explore other alcoholic beverages, leading to the development of a "cocktail culture." As a result of this trend, there has been an increase in the use of whiskey as a premium ingredient. Product innovation (such as flavored whiskey) and organic and sustainable choices are also some of the key factors driving the market.

whiskey imports,whiskey import,global whiskey imports

According to import databases, the countries with the highest whiskey imports are as follows (ranked by the dollar value of whiskey imports in 2022):

1. United States

Total Whiskey Imports in 2022: $2,062,525,180

By value, the United States is the world's largest importer of alcoholic beverages and the largest importer of Scotch whiskey. Whiskey has been a preferred beverage for many Americans throughout history, and although their own liquid gold is a force to be reckoned with, they seem to prefer imported goods. Import data shows that in 2022, whiskey imports to the United States amounted to $1.2 billion, surpassing the $1 billion mark for the first time since the 25% tariff on single malt Scotch whiskey was suspended in 2019.

2. France

Total Whiskey Imports in 2022: $898,798,543

With an average annual consumption of approximately 2.15 liters per capita, France is the country with the highest per capita consumption of whiskey. Scotch whiskey dominates the French market, with import data showing that France imported 205 million bottles of spirits in 2022, making it the second-largest import market for Scotch whiskey, with India taking the top spot.

3. Singapore

Total Whiskey Imports in 2022: $737,254,476

Singapore's port is the world's second-busiest port and is considered a hub for re-export trade and a gateway to other Asian markets. According to import data, the country imports large quantities of wine and spirits, which are then primarily re-exported to Japan, Hong Kong, Australia, China, Thailand, and Malaysia.

4. Germany

Total Whiskey Imports in 2022: $586,668,118

Germany's love for beer is well-known, with the country even enacting its own Beer Purity Law 500 years ago. However, whiskey has made significant strides in Western European countries, especially since World War II, and now Europe's largest economy ranks among the top five whiskey importers in the world. According to import data, Germany imported 67 million bottles of Scotch whiskey in 2022, a 48% increase from the previous year's 46 million bottles, which is impressive. It is worth mentioning that between 2020 and 2021, whiskey imports from Scotland to Germany increased by only 7%, making the recent statistics even more impressive.

5. China

Total Whiskey Imports in 2022: $558,199,851

Although whiskey accounts for only about 1% of China's spirits market, its popularity in China is booming. China has witnessed a tenfold increase in its interest in Scotch whiskey over the past 20 years, and this trend seems set to continue. While the Chinese market is still dominated by Baijiu, young affluent consumers are keen to drink more Scotch whiskey, and overall alcohol consumption is decreasing but of better quality.

Looking to view whiskey import data for 2023? Interested in tracking the latest global whiskey import data for 2024? Come to Tendata and check out the latest global import data! Enterprises can use whiskey import data provided by Tendata for market analysis, understanding international market demand and competition. By analyzing this whiskey import data, companies can identify potential export markets and partners, formulate marketing strategies, optimize supply chain management, and make product pricing and positioning decisions.

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