Global Silver Exports by Country & Company in 2024 - Tendata

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ten data blog03-03-2025

In 2023, total worldwide silver exports reached an estimated $30.5 billion.

The global silver export market saw a significant 86.5% growth compared to 2019, when total shipments were valued at $16.4 billion. However, on a year-over-year basis, silver exports declined by 9.3%, falling from $33.6 billion in 2022.

The top five silver-exporting countries were Hong Kong, mainland China, the United Kingdom, Mexico, and Germany, collectively contributing 49.3% of global silver trade in 2023.

By continent, Asian exporters dominated, accounting for $14 billion or 45.9% of total silver shipments. European countries followed with 32.6%, while North America contributed 17.3%.

Smaller shares came from:

· Latin America (excluding Mexico) and the Caribbean: 2.8%

· Oceania (led by Australia and Papua New Guinea): 0.8%

· Africa: 0.5%

For trade classification purposes, unwrought or semi-manufactured silver falls under Harmonized Tariff System (HTS) code 7106, which also includes gold- or platinum-plated silver.

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Leading Silver Exporting Countries (2023)

Below are the top 15 countries that recorded the highest silver export values in 2023:

1.Hong Kong – $4.7 billion (15.4% of total silver exports)

2.Mainland China – $3 billion (10%)

3.United Kingdom – $2.8 billion (9.2%)

4.Mexico – $2.7 billion (8.8%)

5.Germany – $1.8 billion (6%)

6.South Korea – $1.7 billion (5.5%)

7.Switzerland – $1.6 billion (5.2%)

8.Japan – $1.5 billion (4.9%)

9.United States – $1.4 billion (4.5%)

10.Canada – $1.2 billion (4%)

11.Poland – $992.4 million (3.3%)

12.Italy – $769.7 million (2.5%)

13.Türkiye – $692.4 million (2.3%)

14.United Arab Emirates – $655.3 million (2.1%)

15.Kazakhstan – $642.9 million (2.1%)

These 15 nations collectively accounted for 85.8% of the world’s silver exports in 2023.

Fastest-Growing & Declining Silver Exporters

Among the top silver exporters, the countries with the highest growth rates since 2022 included:

· United Arab Emirates (+551.2%)

· Italy (+39.3%)

· Hong Kong (+35.6%)

· Canada (+29.3%)

Conversely, countries that saw the biggest declines in silver exports were:

· United Kingdom (-65.6%)

· United States (-22.5%)

· Japan (-7.9%)

· Kazakhstan (-2.6%)

· Switzerland (-1.9%)

Top Silver Exporting Companies

Tendata has identified leading global silver producers that play a major role in international silver trade:

1.TOO KAZ MINERALS AKTOGAY – $3.9 billion (17.28%)

2.TOO KAZ MINERALS BOZSHAKOL – $3.7 billion (16.32%)

3.METALURGICA MET MEX PEAOLES – $2.3 billion (10.37%)

4.TOO KAZTSINK – $608.45 million (2.7%)

5.TOO KAZAKHMYS SMELTING – $553.9 million (2.46%)

6.AO POLYUS KRASNOYARSK – $481.2 million (2.13%)

7.OOO NOVOANGARSKY PROCESSING PLANT – $423.92 million (1.88%)

8.QSSC – $423.61 million (1.88%)

9.OOO TRISMEGIST RUS – $393.24 million (1.74%)

10.TEQUILA PATRON – $372.31 million (1.65%)

These companies represent key players in the global silver market, shaping trade flows and influencing international prices.

silver export,silver exports,silver exporters

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1. Find Big Buyers: Use Tendata to identify big buyers who frequently import a product. These buyers are usually large retailers, wholesalers or brand owners. You can learn about their purchasing habits, purchasing cycles and supplier distribution through their purchasing records.

2. Explore Potential Customers: In addition to existing big buyers, you can also use Tendata to discover some emerging small and medium-sized buyers. These buyers may not have been fully explored by their peers and are your potential customer resources.

3. Get Contact Information: Use Tendata to view detailed information about key decision makers such as purchasers and executives, including their email addresses, LinkedIn and Facebook social accounts, which will help you directly connect with the person responsible for purchasing the product and improve communication efficiency.

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