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Tendata - Global Import Export Data Provider

4 Major Functions:
Market Analysis, Customer Development,
Competitor Monitoring, Customer Relationship Management

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Shanghai Tendata - Provide The Most Comprehensive Global Trade Data

Tendata Has More Than 220 Countries Import Export Data. No Matter Where You Conduct Import Export Business, You'll Always Have Access To The Export Import Data To Guide Your Import Export Business.

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Tendata iTrader - International Import Data & Export Data Intelligence Platform

Tendata Provides 3 Major Export Import Data Sources: Trade Data, Internet Data, And Cloud Search Data, To Help You Grow Import Export Business.

Who Is Tendata?

Shanghai Tendata is powered by intelligent learning and data visualization to provide you with import export data on global trades, aiming to improve your import export business.

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    Countries of Trade Data

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    Buyers and Sellers

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    Company Profiles

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    Contact E-Mails & SNSs

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    Global Trade Records

What Can Tendata Help You with?

Tendata iTrader provides professional and comprehensive import export business application solutions

Market Analysis

  • Lock on Target Market
  • Position Product Sales
  • Competitive Environment Analysis
  • Potential Customers List
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Customer Development

  • Quickly Expand Your Customer Base
  • Discover More Potential Customers
  • Acquire Executive Contact Info
  • Efficient Customer Exploration
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Competitor Monitoring

  • Precisely Locate Industry Counterparts
  • Target Competitor Tracking
  • Track Business Changes
  • Monitor Industry Trends
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Customer Relationship Management

  • Loyalty Management
  • Research on Potential Chances
  • Insight into Customer Trends
  • Smart Push Message
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Which Data Categories Does Tendata Cover?

Professional   Intelligent   Efficient

The Global Import & Export Online Database

Tendata china covers detailed customs data, supplier data, shipment data, and customer contact information needed for import export business, giving you access to import export trade data. Shanghai Tendata helps you analyze market trends, accurately select potential customers, monitor old customers' supply and demand, and gain precise insights.

Which Clients Have Tendata Platform Served?

Import & export companies, logistics, science researches institutes, financial corporations, government and other various industrial organizations.

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Why You Can Trust Tendata Platform?

Tendata is at your service!

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18 Years+

Data Collection

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Professional Staff

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Trade Industry Solutions

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3~5 Days

Fast Updated Data

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'Target Customer
'Acquisition & Intelligent

'Global Trade Marketing Intelligent'
Decision-Making SaaS Platform

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