Who is Tengdao?What can We Help You?

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export import business,import business,tendata news,ten data,tengdao,tendta,Itrader,itrader login,shanghai ten,t-radar08-05-2024

The Chinese pronunciation of tendata is tengdao, and this company has a history of 19 years. In the fast-paced world of international trade, enterprises face diverse challenges at different stages of their development journey. Recognizing these needs, Tengdao offers comprehensive solutions tailored to address each stage's unique requirements, ensuring businesses can thrive and grow with confidence.

1. Development Tools for Growth

Every foreign trade export enterprise requires robust development management tools to navigate the complexities of the global market. Tengdao's iTrader suite, comprising T-info, T-discovery, T-radar, iPoster, and T-CRM, serves as an efficient toolkit for enterprise development and management. These tools align with the growth trajectory of foreign trade performance, enabling enterprises to optimize processes, enhance efficiency, and achieve sustainable growth.

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2. Market Analysis Expertise

Enterprises often lack the capability for in-depth market analysis, necessitating lightweight market consulting services. Tengdao fills this gap with its light consulting report services, digital development training camps, purchasing manager back-tuning, and localized access services. These offerings empower users to gain deeper insights into business development trends and formulate targeted strategies, paving the way for sustained growth.

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3. Data-Centric Solutions

Large-scale enterprises require a robust data management center to drive digital transformation effectively. Tengdao's Enterprise API interface provides a labeled and clear data interface, enabling enterprises to build a digital center seamlessly. By integrating with internal CRM and ERP systems, this solution facilitates customer data completion, insights generation, and informed decision-making.

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4. Strategic Marketing Support

For large and medium-sized integrated industry and trade enterprises, systematic marketing strategy services are crucial. Tengdao collaborates with international marketing experts through "3Y Consulting," a professional consulting company. Leveraging years of project practice, 3Y Consulting offers scientifically crafted marketing capacity building methodologies, addressing the pain points commonly encountered by local B2B enterprises.

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5. Overseas Operations Facilitation

Enterprises with a solid product system often seek to expand into overseas markets but may lack the necessary infrastructure for effective overseas operations. Tengdao bridges this gap with its joint operating services, assisting overseas enterprises with talent pool construction, enterprise database management, B2B and B2C e-commerce channel construction, and after-sales system establishment through a dedicated localization team.

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In Conclusion

Tengdao's comprehensive suite of solutions caters to the diverse needs of enterprises at every stage of development, empowering them to overcome challenges, seize opportunities, and achieve sustainable growth in the dynamic landscape of international trade.

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