Tendata Introduces New Reports Service!

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export import business,import business,tendata news,ten data,tengdao,tendta,Itrader,itrader login,shanghai ten,t-radar02-11-2023

Tendata offers the following three Reports:

1. Macro Industry Analysis Report

This report is based on the industry's 6-digit code, using global statistics to form an analysis report, which contains China's export statistics, as well as the industry's import and export situation.

2. Single Market Product Analysis Report

This report is based on the products that the client wants to know about under the specified target market analysis report, containing the main importers and exporters information.

3. Competitor Observation Report

This report can help you understand the import and export specifics and incremental changes of the competitors you want to see.

tendata,tendata report,tendata report service

What is the difference between the report service and the import/export database?

· When you need to try a product to see if it works for you, you can start by purchasing a one-time analysis report, which is low-cost and well summarized for you to see at a glance.

· When you are just starting your import/export business and don't have a lot of money, you can use these analytical reports, which are inexpensive and friendly to small businesses and self-employed people.

For Import/Export Database

It has four main functional modules that you can purchase according to your needs.

· Tendata iTrader also provides reporting services and has a more complete range of reports, including Importer Summary Report, New Importer Report, Exporter Summary Report, New Exporter Report, Transaction Trend Report, Buyer and Seller Trend Report, Customs Code Summary Report, Origin Summary Report, Product Summary Report, Port of Departure Report, Port of Arrival Report, and so on.

· Tendata i-Discovery provides comprehensive market analysis functions that allow you to continuously analyze and track various industries around the world. You can see real-time updated daily product prices in the BI section, allowing you to keep track of product dynamics and have complete market insights.

· Tendata T-Rader functionality allows you to track real-time transactions of repeat customers as well as competitors, and learn about new suppliers or buyers they have added, so you can make timely adjustments to your market strategy.

· Tendata CRM functionality allows you to incorporate import/export data capabilities to track your employees' follow-up with customers, keep track of the development process in real time, and work in a more organized manner.

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