Qatar Import Data & Export Data

Overview In 2023, Qatar was the number 55 economy in the world in terms of GDP, the number 38 in total exports, the number 64 in total imports, the number 55 economy in terms of GDP per countries and the number 70 most complex economy according to the Economic Complexity Index (ECI).

The top imports of Qatar are Gas Turbines, Jewellery, Cars, Planes, Helicopters, and/or Spacecraft, and Broadcasting Equipment, importing mostly from United Arab Emirates, China, United States, United Kingdom, and India.

The top exports of Qatar are Petroleum Gas, Crude Petroleum, Refined Petroleum, Nitrogenous Fertilizers, and Ethylene Polymers, exporting mostly to China, India, Japan, South Korea, and United Kingdom.

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Qatar Import & Export Data

Tendata iTrader's Qatar import and export data includes essential customs information that is valuable for your import export business. The data comprises product trade trends, HS codes, customs data, details of potential importers or exporters, ports, competitor companies, and more. To ensure the authenticity and completeness of the data, Tendata gathers global import and export data from customs departments, ports, shipping, logistics companies, and other relevant business sectors. With a database covering global import and export data from 2005 to the present, Tendata assists you in analyzing and comparing the latest market trade trends. Additionally, detailed records, such as daily commodity trading prices, are available. For further information, please contact us to request a FREE DEMO.

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Jewellery of Qatar Trade Trends

By entering the product name or HS code in the Tendata import-export database, you can explore the transaction trends of the corresponding import and export products. This aids companies in better adapting to market demands and responding more flexibly to changes. Taking Data of Qatar as an example, the transaction trends for Jewellery are illustrated below:
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Top 10 HS Codes for Jewellery in Qatar

With Tendata customs import and export data, you can assess whether there is a demand for your products to be imported or exported in the country. On the Tendata import-export data platform, you can input the product category name or the 4-digit HS code to search for the top 10 product subcategories of that product. For example, according to Shipping Data of Qatar, the top 10 HS codes for Jewellery are provided below:
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Countries that import jewelry from Qatar

If you want to know which countries import products from Qatar, you can check this report provided by Tendata. The report will show the list of countries that import products from Qatar:
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